Author Guidelines
Palabras Con Alas Journal is a peer-reviewed creative journal featuring Latinx humanities. We feature creative works (including poetry, artwork, fiction, spoken word, songs...) We also welcome interviews and reviews. Submissions may be in Spanish, Spanglish, English, or Indigenous languages.
Creative works can be in various formats, such as poems, videos featuring spoken word or songs, artwork, short stories, etc.
Creative submissions: Word limit: 5,000 words.
Images in Creative Works: Must be uploaded as separate JPG or TIF files, and must be 300 dpi (pixels per inch) or higher. Procurement of image copyrights is the responsibility of the submitter.
Book and film reviews: Word limit: 500-1,000 words.
Interviews: Word limit: 4,000 words. We welcome interviews of artists, filmmakers, historical figures, and authors.
At the time of submission, you must submit a Consent to Publish Agreement. Instructions: Download the form, fill out, and upload along with your submission.
Submit here
Please direct questions to Ana Sánchez-Muñoz (Editor) at ana.sanchezmunoz@csun.edu